Beyond everyday git

I didn't know git could do that!

git config --global "Ben Peachey"
git config --global "[email protected]"


  • First stable release : 2005
  • Current Version : v2.19.1
  • Contributors : 1233
  • License : GPLv2

139 Git Commands

  • add
  • am
  • annotate
  • apply
  • archimport
  • archive
  • bisect
  • blame
  • branch
  • bundle
  • cat-file
  • check-attr
  • check-ignore
  • check-mailmap
  • check-ref-format
  • checkout-index
  • checkout
  • cherry-pick
  • cherry
  • citool
  • clean
  • clone
  • column
  • commit-graph
  • commit-tree
  • commit
  • config
  • count-objects
  • credential-cache
  • credential-store
  • credential
  • cvsexportcommit
  • cvsimport
  • cvsserver
  • daemon
  • describe
  • diff-files
  • diff-index
  • diff-tree
  • diff
  • difftool
  • fast-export
  • fast-import
  • fetch-pack
  • fetch
  • filter-branch
  • fmt-merge-msg
  • for-each-ref
  • format-patch
  • fsck
  • gc
  • get-tar-commit-id
  • gitk
  • gitweb
  • grep
  • gui
  • hash-object
  • help
  • http-backend
  • http-fetch
  • http-push
  • imap-send
  • index-pack
  • init
  • instaweb
  • interpret-trailers
  • log
  • ls-files
  • ls-remote
  • ls-tree
  • mailinfo
  • mailsplit
  • merge-base
  • merge-file
  • merge-index
  • merge-one-file
  • merge-tree
  • merge
  • mergetool
  • mktag
  • mktree
  • mv
  • name-rev
  • notes
  • pack-objects
  • pack-redundant
  • pack-refs
  • parse-remote
  • patch-id
  • prune-packed
  • prune
  • pull
  • push
  • quiltimport
  • read-tree
  • rebase
  • receive-pack
  • reflog
  • remote
  • repack
  • replace
  • request-pull
  • rerere
  • reset
  • rev-list
  • rev-parse
  • revert
  • rm
  • send-email
  • send-pack
  • sh-i18n
  • sh-setup
  • shell
  • shortlog
  • show-branch
  • show-index
  • show-ref
  • show
  • stash
  • status
  • stripspace
  • submodule
  • svn
  • symbolic-ref
  • tag
  • unpack-file
  • unpack-objects
  • update-index
  • update-ref
  • update-server-info
  • upload-archive
  • upload-pack
  • var
  • verify-commit
  • verify-pack
  • verify-tag
  • whatchanged
  • worktree
  • write-tree

About this talk

CLI Only

Linux MacOS Windows
Popular BASH Terminal PowerShell
Alternative zsh iTerm2 Git for Windows


  bash command

  Content of the "filename.ext" file.

parameter(s) for git command

An example

    git checkout -



    git config --list --global Peachey
    [email protected]

    git config --edit

    name = Ben Peachey
    email = [email protected]

Git config includes

        path = /path/to/

include.path /path/to/

Git config includes

    path = ~/.gitconfig-alias
    path = ~/.gitconfig-user

Conditional includes

Include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group

[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
        path = /path/to/

includeIf.gitdir:~/to/group/ /path/to/


git help

  git help

usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value]
           [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
           [-p | --paginate | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
           [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
           <command> [<args>]

These are common Git commands used in various situations:

start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)
   clone      Clone a repository into a new directory
   init       Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one

work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)
   add        Add file contents to the index
   mv         Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
   reset      Reset current HEAD to the specified state
   rm         Remove files from the working tree and from the index

examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)
   bisect     Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
   grep       Print lines matching a pattern
   log        Show commit logs
   log        Show commit logs
   show       Show various types of objects
   status     Show the working tree status

grow, mark and tweak your common history
   branch     List, create, or delete branches
   checkout   Switch branches or restore working tree files
   commit     Record changes to the repository
   diff       Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
   merge      Join two or more development histories together
   rebase     Reapply commits on top of another base tip
   tag        Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG

collaborate (see also: git help workflows)
   fetch      Download objects and refs from another repository
   pull       Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
   push       Update remote refs along with associated objects

'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'

But wait!
There's More!

usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value]
           [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
           [-p | --paginate | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
           [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
           <command> [<args>]

available git commands in '/usr/lib/git-core'

  add                       merge-one-file
  add--interactive          merge-ours
  am                        merge-recursive
  annotate                  merge-resolve
  apply                     merge-subtree
  archive                   merge-tree
  bisect                    mergetool
  bisect--helper            mktag
  blame                     mktree
  branch                    mv
  bundle                    mw
  cat-file                  name-rev
  check-attr                notes
  check-ignore              pack-objects
  check-mailmap             pack-redundant
  check-ref-format          pack-refs
  checkout                  patch-id
  checkout-index            prune
  cherry                    prune-packed
  cherry-pick               pull
  citool                    push
  clean                     quiltimport
  clone                     range-diff
  column                    read-tree
  commit                    rebase
  commit-graph              rebase--helper
  commit-tree               receive-pack
  config                    reflog
  count-objects             remote
  credential                remote-ext
  credential-cache          remote-fd
  credential-cache--daemon  remote-ftp
  credential-store          remote-ftps
  cvsexportcommit           remote-http
  cvsimport                 remote-https
  cvsserver                 remote-mediawiki
  daemon                    remote-testsvn
  describe                  repack
  diff                      replace
  diff-files                request-pull
  diff-index                rerere
  diff-tree                 reset
  difftool                  rev-list
  difftool--helper          rev-parse
  fast-export               revert
  fast-import               rm
  fetch                     send-email
  fetch-pack                send-pack
  filter-branch             serve
  fmt-merge-msg             sh-i18n--envsubst
  for-each-ref              shell
  format-patch              shortlog
  fsck                      show
  fsck-objects              show-branch
  gc                        show-index
  get-tar-commit-id         show-ref
  grep                      stage
  gui                       stash
  gui--askpass              status
  hash-object               stripspace
  help                      submodule
  http-backend              submodule--helper
  http-fetch                subtree
  http-push                 svn
  imap-send                 symbolic-ref
  index-pack                tag
  init                      unpack-file
  init-db                   unpack-objects
  instaweb                  update-index
  interpret-trailers        update-ref
  log                       update-server-info
  ls-files                  upload-archive
  ls-remote                 upload-pack
  ls-tree                   var
  mailinfo                  verify-commit
  mailsplit                 verify-pack
  merge                     verify-tag
  merge-base                web--browse
  merge-file                whatchanged
  merge-index               worktree
  merge-octopus             write-tree

git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH

  cherry-copy   get-branch    is-current    out           pull-request
  cherry-move   info          l             prompt

'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help >command<' or 'git help >concept<'
to read about a specific subcommand or concept.

The common Git guides are:
   attributes          Defining attributes per path
   cli                 Git command-line interface and conventions
   core-tutorial       A Git core tutorial for developers
   cvs-migration       Git for CVS users
   diffcore            Tweaking diff output
   everyday            A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git
   glossary            A Git Glossary
   hooks               Hooks used by Git
   ignore              Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
   modules             Defining submodule properties
   namespaces          Git namespaces
   repository-layout   Git Repository Layout
   revisions           Specifying revisions and ranges for Git
   tutorial            A tutorial introduction to Git
   tutorial-2          A tutorial introduction to Git: part two
   workflows           An overview of recommended workflows with Git

'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help >command<' or 'git help >concept<'
to read about a specific subcommand or concept.

That's a lot of help

Open help in a browser*

* Requires the git-doc package to be installed

    git help --web

Open help in a browser


    GIT-HELP(1)                                           Git Manual                                          GIT-HELP(1)

           git-help - Display help information about Git

           git help [-a|--all] [-g|--guide]
                      [-i|--info|-m|--man|-w|--web] [COMMAND|GUIDE]

           With no options and no COMMAND or GUIDE given, the synopsis of the git command and a list of the most commonly
           used Git commands are printed on the standard output.

           If the option --all or -a is given, all available commands are printed on the standard output.

           If the option --guide or -g is given, a list of the useful Git guides is also printed on the standard output.

           If a command, or a guide, is given, a manual page for that command or guide is brought up. The man program is
           used by default for this purpose, but this can be overridden by other options or configuration variables.

           Note that git --help ... is identical to git help ... because the former is internally converted into the

           To display the git(1) man page, use git help git.

           This page can be displayed with git help help or git help --help

           -a, --all
               Prints all the available commands on the standard output. This option overrides any given command or guide

           -g, --guides
               Prints a list of useful guides on the standard output. This option overrides any given command or guide

           -i, --info
               Display manual page for the command in the info format. The info program will be used for that purpose.

           -m, --man
               Display manual page for the command in the man format. This option may be used to override a value set in
               the help.format configuration variable.

               By default the man program will be used to display the manual page, but the man.viewer configuration
               variable may be used to choose other display programs (see below).

           -w, --web
               Display manual page for the command in the web (HTML) format. A web browser will be used for that purpose.

               The web browser can be specified using the configuration variable help.browser, or web.browser if the
               former is not set. If none of these config variables is set, the git web--browse helper script (called by
               git help) will pick a suitable default. See git-web--browse(1) for more information about this.


Always open help in a browser

        format = web

help.format web

Select a browser

        browser = firefox

help.browser firefox


Git alias

        name = command command

Git alias

        unstage = reset HEAD --

alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'

Shell command as alias

If the alias expansion is prefixed with an exclamation point, it will be treated as a shell command.
Shell commands will be executed from the top-level directory of a repository, which may not necessarily be the current directory.

Shell command as alias

echo "Hello!"

        hello = !echo "Hello!"

alias.hello '!echo "hello"'

Shell command as alias

git hello


Shell command as alias

git config --list | grep 'alias.' | sort | cut -d= -f1

      alias = !git config --list | grep 'alias.' | sort | cut -d'.' -f1,

alias.alias '!git config --list | grep "alias." | sort | cut -d"." -f1,'

Shell command as alias

git alias


Don't use aliasses for native functions

Use autocompletion instead

Auto Complete

Auto Complete

git sta<TAB>
stage    stash    status

git stat<TAB>

git status --<TAB><TAB>
--ahead-behind        --ignore-submodules   --no-renames          --short
--branch              --ignored             --null                --show-stash
--column              --long                --porcelain           --untracked-files
--find-renames        --no-...              --renames             --verbose

git status --b<TAB>
git status --branch


Auto Complete


Git Suggestions

git meh

git: 'meh' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean one of these?

Git Autocorrect

        autocorrect = 35

help.autoCorrect 35

Git Autocorrect

git doh

WARNING: You called a Git command named 'doh', which does not exist.
Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'show'
in 3.5 seconds automatically...


Git Autocorrect

If the value of this option is negative, the corrected command will be executed immediately.

Git Autocorrect

git doh

WARNING: You called a Git command named 'doh', which does not exist.
Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'show'


Git Autocorrect

With multiple options

git meh

git: 'meh' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean one of these?

Behaves just like normal suggestion...

Ignore This

Git ignore


Git ignore

    git status --ignored

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Ignored files:
  (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing to commit, working tree clean

Git ignore

        ### IDE ###
        nbbuild     # Netbeans
        .idea/      # IntelliJ
        .project    # Eclipse
        .vscode/*   # VisualStudioCode

        ### Linux ###

        ### macOS ###

        ### Windows ###

        ### WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE ... ###

dont do this!

Three levels of ignorance

Global / Repository / Local

Three levels of ignorance

Exclude File
Ignore File
Exclude File
This machines only This machines only This machines only
This repo only This repo only This repo only
Committed Committed Committed
Configurable Configurable Configurable

Global git ignore

        excludesfile = ~/.gitignore

core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Three levels of ignorance

Global / Repository / Local

git ignore


What have I done!?

Branch status

    git branch --verbose 
* master  f44599481 [ahead 2] Last commit message on master.
  develop 4563a0d9d [behind 35] The last commit message on develop.
  other   260071fdb Last commit message of the other branch.

Shows which branches are ahead/behind

Unpushed changes

    git log @{upstream}..

    commit f44599481cc692ed78b8f14db2c6b66671daaee2 (HEAD -> master)


Unpushed changes

On all branches

    git log --branches --not --remotes

  commit f44599481cc692ed78b8f14db2c6b66671daaee2 (HEAD -> master)


  commit 58c6697c7cd38bbc246e18496d23a08cc6e02ef8 (other)



Unpushed changes

On all branches

            unpushed = log --branches --not --remotes

alias.unpushed 'log --branches --not --remotes'
